Hugo Category

The following is all of the blog posts and articles I have written and are catageorized as Hugo

Static Websites using Azure Storage and CDN

As you may or may not know, I run my site on an Azure Web Service using Hugo and a Visual Studio build pipeline (Full Details Here). I have been reasonably happy with this service, however late last year Microsoft made hosting static websites on Azure Storage generally available. There are a number of benefits in hosting your static website on Azure storage, the primary factor being cost. Photo by TheAndrasBarta on Pixabay

Running a Hugo Site on Microsoft Azure

The Hugo Logo copyright © Steve Francia 2013 − 2018 I like Hugo, as I have mentioned before, and I prefer to host my site within Microsoft Azure for a number of reasons, including control and the fact I play with resources within Azure, so I thought it would be good to share how I constructed my build pipeline to make working with Hugo to build and publish content in Azure a bit more automated.