Musings Category

The following is all of the blog posts and articles I have written and are catageorized as Musings

Life Updates

2020 has been a really crazy year for everyone but this post is not really going to touch on any of that, it’s been done to death elsewhere. What I do want to touch on is the massive change I have made over the last 6 months and why this blog has been by the wayside. I also want to touch on what is coming up and some general thoughts that may hopefully help others out there.

Musings on Architecture in an Agile World

With everything currently going on at the moment I thought I would take a little bit of a break from the mock-up gamification design and post some musings around some work related subjects that have come up recently. Image by Quino Al on Unsplash My experience has been, when people think of architecture in an Information Technology sense, they think of complex, sometimes hard to interpret, diagrams and artefacts that look good on paper but take a long time to develop and are potentially harder to implement.